Art-Pinistic path of Preore, ferrata delle Niere.

A unique via ferrata that combines the excursion with a cultural trip where you can admire the magnificent works of art that are scattered along the way.

From the socio-cultural and existential themes, the many creations, predominantly realized with wood, have been donated by various local artists. It is a relatively short route and with easy access, which can be enjoyed all year round thanks to the low altitude and sun exposure.

There will be steeper sections equipped with iron wire and steps and others where you only walk, the path is loop-shaped and passes near various sectors of sport and trad climbing.

Although there are some “spicy” sections, it is an itinerary suitable for everyone, including families and children (from 8).

Little alpinist enjoy the Preore via ferrata.



  • When? All year.
  • Duration 2.00 h
  • Who is it for? It is a path suitable for everyone, children aged 9 and over.
  • What to bring? Sports shoes, comfortable clothing, a light raincoat, backpack with a snack and at least 1 liter of water per person.
  • Where “Le Niere” rock crag, Preore, Giudicarie valleys.
  • Rate € 60 per person with a minimum of three.

Technical equipment is included.
